Dark: Season 3
Spoiler-free review
By Christiana
The only spoilers depict ideas presented in the first two seasons.
"Dark" ingeniously surpasses the known limits of a masterpiece, projecting an inexplicable knot which brings together the beginning and ending of space and time in a contorted narrative of colossal magnitude, lying beyond the power of human understanding. The last cycle dives deeper than could have ever been fathomed, altering every drop of this ocean of emptiness, fullness, knowledge and oblivion, bringing an enthralling closure to its unforgettable ending.
Revolutionary creators Jantje Friese and Baran bo Odar give life to an incomprehensible world, eternally reshaping the balance between the primordial duality - Adam and Eve, light and darkness, life and death, forward and backwards, beginning and ending, ending and beginning.
With such unrivaled writing, Jantje Friese ingeniously twists and forges a profoundly disturbing journey which finds its roots buried deep within the abyssal origins of time and life itself. The previous cycles tested the extents of our patience and ability to follow impossible genealogical trees continuously chained and broken through the course of time, yet Friese finds an unequalled way of expanding the final script to a level of fascinating complexity.
The grandiose script and directing are testimonials of the craftsmanship behind the concept. Only the bright-minded bo Odar and Friese, along with the exquisite crew responsible for producing this immensity of a project, could have pulled this off. Their talent and dedication to the series and the topic it tackles, are simply out of this world and regardless of what will come in the future, "Dark" has clearly stated its undefeatable position as the best televised series there will ever be.
Witnessing the story is unbearably challenging in terms of emotions, a rewarding spiritual and intellectual experience one should have the opportunity of encountering at least once in their lifetime. Netflix's decision of choosing to produce the first German series on their platform and the project in question turning out to be the most puzzling narrative created, was a life-changing step in cinematic history. Evenly delightful and tragic, "Dark" unfolds to such extents it would have never been perceivable to determine the ending and its exact impact on Winden.
Our glorious journey through the cycles, wrapped in a devastating landscape, fuelled by superb performances, proves once again that "Dark" will forever stand the test of time. Julika Jenkins (adult Claudia), Lisa Kreuzer (old Claudia), Carlotta von Falkenhayn (young Elisabeth), Stephan Kampwirth (adult Peter), Maja Schöne (adult Hannah), Jördis Triebel (adult Katharina), Andreas Pietschmann (the Stranger), Oliver Masucci (adult Ulrich), Winfried Glatzeder (old Ulrich), Max Schimmelpfennig (young Noah), Peter Schneider (adult Helge), Deborah Kaufmann (adult Regina), Christian Pätzold (old Egon), Christian Steyer (old H.G. Tannhaus), Lydia Makrides (young Regina) should all be mentioned, because thanks to them, the series could be brought to life in such an unsurpassable manner.
Louis Hofmann's immeasurable talent, Lisa Vicari's heartbreaking monologues, Karoline Eichhorn's professionalism, Jakob Diehl and Mark Waschke's enigmatic allure, and Dietrich Hollinderbäumer's substantial contribution to the plot are effortless. The casting directors have made the best decision of the era choosing each and every one of these actors for their uncanny similarities and undeniable talent. From top to bottom, from beginning to end, pure excellence.
In its multitude of meanings and unquestionable profoundness, it's ironic and haunting how perfectly the song choices, their titles, artists and even the scenes they are part of, go together. Apparat's "Goodbye" fits the intro credits and the idea of the plot so extraordinarily, Nena's "Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann" and Soap&Skin's rendition of "What A Wonderful World" are a bittersweet pair, perfect for the magistral finale of the show. "Into the Woods Somewhere" by Hozier, Agnes Obel's featured collection of songs and Dead or Alive's hit are a match made in heaven.
Ben Frost's original score not only stretches your nerves to the core and shakes you to the bones, it awakens unknown emotions and feelings that are yet to be discovered. It's surreal to witness this stellar connection that bounds together each line from the previous cycles and their anticipation of what is to come for Winden. Is anything about the show coincidental? Has any choice ever been made the way it has by accident? Or is there, in fact, a cosmic connection between everything we ever create and everything we ever end up being a part of?
The fifth and seventh episodes - "Life and Death" (originally Leben und Tod) and "Between the Time" (Zwischen der Zeit) - go into such depths by sowing new perspectives, they will undoubtedly remain in history as the most complete TV experiences ever. Depicting the next level of complexity and brilliance, while moving forward and backwards to explore each destiny, bond and break apart, Jantje Friese and Baran bo Odar reach unimaginable limits with their characters' development.
A demanding production, with exemplary settings, period pieces, and a production design spanning uncountable decades, along with each character's appearance and clothing style, truly shape up the "Dark" world in an impressive manner, crafting the complete viewing experience. Without each of these vital elements, the story wouldn't have been the same. Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese at their finest, many questions still remain unanswered, many doors still left unopened, many storylines still waiting to sink in and find their place in this existential puzzle that is "Dark".