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Avengers: Endgame
Spoiler-free review
By Alexandra
Avengers: Endgame (Spoiler-free): Welcome
Avengers: Endgame is an all-consuming piece of art, and a worthy follow-up to Infinity War. Every line lands, every thread of this gargantuan and complex story is woven together seamlessly into a piece that does justice by the characters. There is not a scene that is out of place, not a line that is there just for the sake of it, and it looks like a carefully crafted plan that forms the conclusion to the saga. Ahem *maybe Star Wars could learn something from it* ahem. Also, that’s how you do a teaser/trailer (more about it in the spoiler analysis)!
Comedy is merged with drama, fantasy, action and adventure, with a heavy gravitas that makes the film feel like a well-deserved rest at the end of a mountain trek, watching the sunset over the peaks.
At the end of Infinity War the unspeakable has happened: Thanos has killed off half of all living creatures in the universe, in his goal to end hunger, poverty and overpopulation. The ending was desolate and shocking. Black Panther, Vision, Wanda, Bucky, Quill, Drax, Mantis, and Spider-Man, all gone, among others. Together with Hawkeye’s family, it seems. Scott Lang caught in the quantum realm, The Captain and Iron-Man still divided after Civil War. Black Widow is in a state of resilient shock and ploughs ahead with managing planetary security.
In the midst of all this, of people trying to move on and cities and whole countries brought at a standstill, one intercom call brings some news. From this on, all you need to know is that the film takes you on a roller coaster of twists and turns- only a couple of those are major, but it still makes audiences feel hope being dangled in front of them, taken away and brought back.
There aren’t many ways to describe it without giving away nuggets of joy and sadness, hope and heartbreak, and I wouldn’t want to steal all of these from you. Just go in with an open mind, hopefully spoiler-free, and having watched as many of the previous films as possible. Here’s a look at what I can reveal for now:
Captain America and Iron Man:
Captain and Iron-Man mend the rift between them and play for the same team one more time. Despite their different take on the situation, they have always been on the same side and between the two of them make a pretty great team.
Black-Widow and Hawkeye:
Black Widow still owes her life to her best friend Hawkeye. A changed Hawkeye now needs her to pull him out of his darkness.
The Guardians:
With Nebula and Rocket being the only Guardians left alive after the snap, their world feels pretty hopeless and bleak as they only find solace in one another, sharing a brief moment of understanding.
It must be hard for the God of Thunder to deal with such cosmic-scale failure and to not incriminate himself for some of it. Will he be able to find meaning in his life?
Dr. Banner had some issues to sort out with his green half at the end of Infinity War, maybe some time away from saving the world gave him the opportunity.
Everyone else:
They’re gone, right? Right?
Avengers: Endgame (Spoiler-free): News

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